Monday, September 28, 2009

Pre and Post-Recession Smart Ideas for Your Small Business

Small business owners know all about making it last. They know that in order for their small business to be successful, they have to budget on a shoestring and try to bring in as much income as possible. The only thing different about operating a small business in a recession is that they have to cut their budgets even more and try to bring in more income from various sources in a tough economy.

Cut Your Small Business Office Design Expenses

Office expenses can overwhelm you and your budget if you aren’t careful. Now isn’t the time to be extravagant in furnishing and equipping your office. If you are just starting up, do it on the cheap! If you have been in business for awhile, try to cut deal with suppliers. If you are a very small business or have a home office, be frugal and buy just what you need at the cheapest price you can find. It is really hard to go into an office supply store as you are overwhelmed with so much stuff that you know you could use. Don’t be tempted.

Here’s a list of what I think you absolutely have to have for a small business office or home office. I’ve also included some suggestions for you to buy these items as cheaply as possible.

  • Computer Equipment and Software
  • Even if you are just starting out as a small business owner, chances are you already have a computer. Try to get by for awhile with the computer you already have. It may not have all the bells and whistles you want or be a fancy laptop, but until the economy gets better and your income stream is where you want it to be, it will do.

    If you are equipping a larger office, try to get a wholesale deal on computers. You may be tempted to go with fancy laptops. Chances are, a wholesale contract on desktop computers will be your best bet if you are trying to save money.

    Software depends on the type of small business you are in. You may need some specialized software for your particular small business. In addition to that, you can get by with a word processing, spreadsheet, and database program, in addition to bookkeeping or accounting program. You can find free or cheap downloadable programs on the Internet. It’s also likely that your computer came with some or most of these programs.

    You also need a printer. To save money, it would be wise to invest in a combination printer/fax/scanner instead of buying each separately. Comparison shop for this item to find the best buy for your money. You don't have to have this equipment for each workstation, at least not at first. You can usually find a name brand combination unit for around $150 that works well. This may be your best choice, particularly if your small business is just starting out.

    You will need a telephone system. You may want to use your cell phone as your primary contact. If you do, remember to keep track of your business calls as they can be used as a tax deduction. You will still probably need an office telephone system unless your business is a one-person business or a very small business.

  • Office Furniture and Design

Whether your small business is new or if you have been in business for awhile, now is not the time to invest in costly office furniture or decide on a new office design. Wait on those things until after the recession is over and you have a more stable income stream. For now, go with basic desks and desk chairs. Metal is usually cheaper than wood. Don’t move into the executive lines of furniture. You can even use just plain tables if you can’t afford office desks.

Other office furniture you may need is filing cabinets or somewhere to store hard copies of your documents. I am an advocate of keeping hard copies of important documents, even though some people keep all their documents online. I still like hard copies.

You could get those cardboard storage boxes for documents if you really want to set up cheaply. However, if you are going to store fairly large amounts of documents, I would spring for filing cabinets. Filing cabinets are not expensive and if you are going to buy more than a few cardboard storage boxes, you will spend as much money as you would for a filing cabinet or two.

You can literally get by with computers, desks and chairs for you and your employees, along with filing cabinets and a telephone system if you have to. There is no need for fancy office design until the economy gets better.

Save Money on Your Business Expenses

You can save money on just about every business expense. Some expenses, like your business license or the rental for your office space, are fixed, and you can’t do anything about that. Here’s a list of some of the small business expenses that you can try to cut.

  • Energy Costs
  • You can save money on your utility bills. Use the compact fluorescent light bulbs in your small business office where you can. Use regular fluorescent lighting in the ceiling lights. Be sure and notice on the package the statements about energy savings. Turn off all your electrical appliances, like your computers, at the end of the day.

    If you have the option in your geographic area, recycle everything you can, from aluminum cans to newspaper to printer toner to computers.

    Cut down on paper usage. Use email for communications. Encourage your employees not to print out email unless they have to. Print out hard copies of documents you really need, but don’t print out hard copies of documents that you can store on your hard drive or online. I make a practice of storing documents both online and on my hard drive. I also make hard copies of important documents.

  • Gasoline Costs
  • If you use company cars, buy fuel efficient models. Discourage the use of company cars except when absolutely necessary. Don’t allow employees to drive company cars home. Use public transit when possible. Instead of buying company cars, another option is to use your own car. You can write off the mileage on your taxes at the end of the year.

  • Office Supplies

This is an area where you can really get carried away especially if your business is very small. You don’t have to buy in bulk if you have a really small business. It will cost you far more than it will save you. Just buy what you need from month to month. Buy recycled paper. Buy only the amount of paper clips and rubber bands than you need, not huge bulk packages. Don’t buy cut gadgets at the office supply store, no matter how much you think they will help you. If you buy your office supplies off the Internet, only buy from sites that offer free shipping.

  • Business Liability Insurance
  • Every small business needs liability insurance in case of lawsuits. Don’t go without liability insurance just to save money. There are many types of liability insurance policies depending on the type of your small business. Get the best type for your small business and shop around for the lowest cost. You may also need property, casualty, and automobile insurance.

    Income Tax Expenses

    There isn’t much you can do about the amount of taxes your small business will owe every year except take every possible deduction you are entitled to. In order to do that, you may need to hire a tax professional to help with your taxes. What you can do in advance is keep good records. Record every expense and all your income using a business accounting or home and business bookkeeping software program.

    You don't have to use a complex or expensive program, but keeping good records will help your accountant at the end of the tax year. The cost of an accounting or bookkeeping program for your small business is tax-deductible.

    The cost of hiring a tax professional is a deductible expense on your taxes. It may also be more than worth it so you don’t have to deal with any errors you might make on your taxes and so every possible deduction will be taken for your benefit.

    Marketing and Promotion Costs

    Marketing, advertising and promotion costs for your business can be very expensive for a small business. In a recessionary economy, they can be almost cost-prohibitive. Small businesses do have choices. One of those choices is to use publicity. Publicity, by definition, is free.

    You might normally use an outside agency for your marketing program. At this time, you may want to do your advertising and marketing yourself. One trend is to use your personal or business vehicle as a moving advertising billboard. Use press releases in your local and regional newspapers. There are a number of cost-effective marketing ideas that you can pursue yourself.

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